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question mark on a chalkboardPringle Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions

Common Answers to Questions We Hear

Like other chiropractors, at Pringle Chiropractic we hear many questions from new and current chiropractic patients. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked.

Do you have any questions that aren’t answered here? Contact us today and let us answer all of your questions.


Can you help me?

Absolutely! (if it falls within our scope of practice) – If not, there is no charge for the consultation.

How long will it take?

It depends on your condition, but you should see improvement somewhere between the 3rd & 6th visits.

What do you actually do?

As chiropractors we first use instruments to mobilize (loosen things up) to reduce the mechanical irritation to muscles and the nerve system. This is usually a painless procedure and helps relieve the condition.

Is there anything I can do?

Yes, We always encourage our patients to take a proactive role in their recovery. At each stage of care we will provide recommendations and lifestyle advice. We also have complimentary health classes available and strongly encourage patients to attend.


Pringle Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions | 028 9020 2003